Baby Holiday Essentials

After being away for 3 months these are our baby holiday essentials! The things we couldn’t live without and the items that have made life easier. I first wrote out a list of essentials when we started our trip but have revised it based on the things we’ve really used the most.

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We’ve use this portable suction plate every day we’ve been away. We use it for most meals at our apartment and when we’re out at restaurants. It also has a lid which is great for bringing any leftovers home from the restaurant to use for another meal.

Click here > EasyMat Mini Portable Baby Suction Plate

Airtushi Blow Up Highchair

It’s very hit and miss whether restaurants in Mauritius have highchairs for babies so this blow up highchair has come in very handy. We also had this when we went to South Africa and again found a lot of places didn’t have highchairs.

It doesn’t take up much space and comes with a travel bag so it’s easy to just keep in the boot of your car or in your bag. The blow up highchair is really easy to inflate and straps securely onto most dining chairs. It also has straps which if you have a escape artist like ours comes in very handy!

Click here > Airtushi Blow Up Highchair

Baby Swimming Float with Canopy

We’ve found this so useful in the pool as the canopy provides UV protection. This has made it possible to take our baby in the pool even at midday when the sun is strongest.

As he’s in the swim position, rather than upright, it’s helped him practice kicking his legs and reaching out to grab toys around the pool. It comes with a couple of toys – a little rubber shark and duck which he loves chasing around.

My daughter has also been using the same float to play around in. She’s slightly above the recommended weight limit but it still fits her. She just uses it without the canopy and straps, like a rubber ring.

Click here > Baby Swimming Float with Canopy

Full Length UV Swimsuit

If you’re travelling somewhere hot then make sure you buy a full length UV swimsuit. Don’t buy ones with short arms or short legs as you want the maximum protection. As well as protecting their skin it also means you have to use much less sun cream.

We love the Muddy Puddles swimsuits so I’ve included a link to their latest design, but he’s in last seasons in the photo below.

MAM Self Sterilising Bottles

If you are bottle feeding your baby then these self sterilising bottles are so handy. You need access to a microwave and they sterilise in just 2 minutes.

They of course come in loads of sizes with different flow speeds so just choose the ones relevant to your babies stage.

Formula/Food Pouches/Nappies/Wipes

Take enough to get you through the first week so you don’t need to stress out trying to find any as soon as you arrive. Be prepared for the choice to be more limited than what you’ll find back home.

Portable Blackout Blind

This is really useful if your hotel doesn’t have blackout blinds and you’re trying to get them to sleep during daylight hours.

Click here > Portable Blackout Blind

Baby Carrier

A baby carrier is particularly useful at the airport when you need to carry your baby on/off the plane. We also use it whenever we do day trips at places which aren’t buggy friendly. I’ve linked our carrier below, but any carrier

Click here > BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Move

Foldable Travel Cot Mattress

If you have booked a travel cot at your accommodation make sure you check if they are providing a mattress. We have turned up to several hotels to find they are only using the hard ‘mattress’ that comes with the travel cot. If they don’t provide a proper mattress then we always take this foldable mattress with us. Obviously this is only suitable for short stays.

Click here > Foldable Travel Cot Mattress

Milton Anti-Bacterial Surface Wipes

These are so handy on holiday for everything! Wipe down plane tables, highchairs, tables, dropped dummies, etc.

Click here > Milton Anti-Bacterial Surface Wipes

Baby Toys

Try and think of some toys that don’t take up much room that can be used in lots of ways. We always take stacking cups away as they can be used to stack, for the bath, down at the beach and the pool. These one’s I’ve linked look particularly good as they’ve also got shape sorting and the bottom one is a bucket with a handle.

Sort & Stack Nesting Cups

Lightweight Foldable Travel Stroller

Do not take your expensive main pram with you overseas. Hold luggage on a plane gets chucked around and you really don’t want your pram damaged. Not only that but you don’t want a huge pram taking up the entire boot of a car. We always take a lightweight buggy with us when we go away and never have any trouble getting Theo to sleep in it. We have a Silvercross Zest which I love because it lies almost flat and has a big sunshade which pulls down.

Silver Cross Zest Stroller

Rockit Rocker

I absolutely swear by this, it’s like magic at getting our little one to sleep. I use it all the time at home and when away on holiday. It works on the travel stroller just as well as on my main buggy.

Rockit Rocker

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