Tips for Finding New Local Walks

Since we’re stuck in a lockdown and not able to travel far I thought I’d share with you some great resources for finding local walks. It can get a bit monotonous doing the same walks over and over so hopefully this will help expand your options without having to travel far.

A lot of the tips I’m sharing here will be most relevant for the Buckinghamshire area since this is the area my blog is focussed on. However some are useful for everywhere in the UK.

Families Chiltern Magazine

I wrote an article for the current edition of Families Chiltern magazine on my favourite buggy friendly walks. This is something I’m asked for all the time, so this article has details of 13 walks for you to try. You’ll find the article on pages 14-15 of the Jan/Feb edition.

Visit Buckinghamshire Website

The Visit Buckinghamshire website has an article on Buckinghamshire’s Best Walks which gives you details for 6 beautiful walks. The walks range in length, from as short as 1/2 mile up to 7 miles so some will be fine for little legs and others you might need a carrier for.

The Chiltern Society

You’ll find details of 12 family friendly walks on The Chiltern Society website. All of the walks listed are 3 miles or under. They also have some great activity sheets for you to download such as ‘What to spot on a February Walk’.

The Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Website

This website has so many walks to choose from, all with maps and route details to download. If you head to the ‘Walking and Cycling‘ page you’ll find an interactive map which you can filter. In the filters you can choose short walks (up to 3 miles) or pushchair/wheelchair friendly walks. There also have lots of different activities listed on the homepage, including things like colouring in sheets for your little ones.

All Trails

This is a brilliant website/app that allows you to find walking routes in any area. There are loads of filters to help you narrow the search down to find a suitable walk for you, e.g. adding in a maximum length, searching for routes which are loops and setting the difficulty level. Once you’ve selected your route it will give you a map to follow. Some of the routes give better instructions than others, often you are reliant just on following the map. However some trails have full instructions written out under ‘Waypoints’. As the trails are uploaded by users it’s just hit and miss as to how much detail that user has provided.

Baby in Bucks

In addition to the above resources you will also find some great walks on this website. If you click on the category ‘walk’ then you’ll find some great options for local walks. I also have a couple of guides posted on my Instagram page, one for buggy friendly walks and the other for walks suitable for little legs.

I hope you’ve found this helpful. If you’ve got a favourite local walk or website/app that you use that’s not listed then please feel free to share the details in the comments.




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